I will first look the file with binaryninja.

The main function :

You can see that the binary ask us an action. If I go down a little in the main function, I can see that the input I will give to the binary will be compared. For example if my entry is 2, then we’ll call student 2. If I enter 3, we’ll call student 3,…

So let’s try if it works :

We can see that it is working and that we are leaving the program directly. Let’s go back to examine the binary, a comparison draws my attention below the students in the main function :

If my entry is equal to 0x7a69(31337 in decimal) we jump to the function called « principal ». Let’s take a look at this function :

As you can see, we can leave a message with the principal, so we’re gonna try this :

The vulnerability will therefore be at the moment when we leave the message to the principal. I will now use the ret2libc vulnerability. To use this vulnerability we need:

Padding + p system + p exit + p ‘/bin/sh’

after a while, I arrived at 41 in padding, to find the system and exit address I have to run the binary with gdb, put a breakpoint on the main. Then using these commands I get the addresses: p system p exit

Now I just need to find the address of the string « /bin/sh » in the binary. For that I go back to look around BinaryNinja and I look at the function bring_students_to_school, and I see my « /bin/sh », it only remains for me to find its address. With objdump I find the address of the function :

Now that we have everything we juste need a script to automate the pwn :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pwn import *
import struct

p = remote("", 31337)
Call = p.recvuntil("Call>")
payload ="31337"
#cat /home/attendance/flag


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